Thursday, November 30, 2006

by yourself

I was raised in a society ... in a very interconnected and depended society; I learnt how to depend on the other person around me, I have learnt how to be one in the many ... and they told that I'm weak, that I'm dependent and I have to change to get what I want.
Were they right? Hmmm... yeap. OK, now I'll do it my way. You have told me how and now you are telling me that you were wrong... You are annoying me; everybody is telling me how should I do it, why should I do it, I am doing it completely wrong ... I am frustrated; I forgot who I am anymore; I don't know if I like this or that; I don't know if I want to do this or that; I never knew it.
I was sad and blue; then I tried to listen to happy music and smile. Now I listen anything I can hear. I was going down and I have tried to climb up. I done it; I came back from down there; it wasn't really down but it was lower and now I'm higher. I did, I tried, I thought, I'm doing, I'm reflecting and I keep on trying.
Maybe it's just a way of hiding the sadness in me... or maybe I’m really an optimistic person. Who knows?!

Sometimes I just want to say a simple “Fuck you”, and other times I would love to sign in the rain “What a wonderful world”. I am really alive inside; I’m not that cold person that you see.

Now I’ve learnt that living in a society is 90% using that society on your behalf without any merci…

“the race is long and in the end is only with yourself” … or you can choose to show that you care … or I’ll go eat something

Monday, November 13, 2006

"We are what we do"

I believe in....
I hope....
I fear....
One day i will....

have you found your answers?

Monday, November 06, 2006


Only one color at a time?

I have tried some of them: dark black and the most pure white (I looked at them as colors); cold blue; I was even red, a very strong one. I thought about green: I think I need green; I feel like that, I want to explore the green.
Now I'm still green and I'm running after it, but I needed more. It's only one color, I'm going further; I need more; I am more. I'm a mixture, colors with solid borders, colors getting into each other to reveal new ones.
This is me stepping "somewhere over the rainbow".

Accept or chose?

You are provided with colors from outside; they are shown in front of yours eyes; they are delivered in your hands with no effort for you.
You may chose today to be purple. You are able tomorrow to decide on pink.
You chose to accept only the green of the trees. You accept to chose your daily color.

Colors are the tonality of a sound, and shapes are its length.

Do it. Do what?

There are advices and quotes full of wisdom. There are people that have experience of living. There are books to carry on the knowledge of the human kind.
To much. There are too many things and options; there is a path followed by the ones that have lived before you; there is the way of dealing with things researched and tryed out by others.

You are like the others? Is there the perfect match between your style and any other style? How much of this wisdom is usefull for you? How free do you feel when you are using this knowledge? They will assure you to avoid any mistake? Do you want a live without black, without mistakes?

Your own choise: % existing knowledge, % your own mind.