Thursday, December 28, 2006

Have (not) time for ...

We are what we do !

We lie, we complain, we cry, we don’t, we won’t, we stay, we say NO, we hate, we run away, we hide, we ignore, we kill, we blame, we search for excuses, we are blind, we are deaf, we turn our back, we were covers, we are ashamed, we whisper instead of shouting and the other way around, we cut the trees, we waste the water, …

We smile, we hug, we love, we give, we stand up, we say YES, we can, we dance, we feel the rain, we rise, we try, we go further, we are beautiful, we embrace, we are joy, we are alive, we speak, we listen, we care, we fly, we dream, we jump, we forgive, we welcome, we walk into the forest, we share, we use the water, we express ourselves, …

I give time for what I want to be.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Haunted by happiness

It’s easier for a human mind to be explored by sadness and darkness.

A sun beam kissed the eyes in an early morning. A tree whistled the wind’s voice. Colors are dancing from high above to the new born fresh grass. Water is caressing a face … rain drop after rain drop in order to male a dream flow on the river way far to the sea. Her eyes and smile are burning of warm and joy to hug the child within the one that holds her hands. A bike and the skis are the beginning of flying through white and darkness, through daylight and whispers of quiet nature. Words, that gave bounding a friendly touch, are running within languages. Sounds of birds in the night or in the rain keep dream alive when the human’s notes went to sleep.

Run the energy and enthusiasm away from sadness and spleen and let the happiness haunt.

Embrace the forest, tree after tree.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

by yourself

I was raised in a society ... in a very interconnected and depended society; I learnt how to depend on the other person around me, I have learnt how to be one in the many ... and they told that I'm weak, that I'm dependent and I have to change to get what I want.
Were they right? Hmmm... yeap. OK, now I'll do it my way. You have told me how and now you are telling me that you were wrong... You are annoying me; everybody is telling me how should I do it, why should I do it, I am doing it completely wrong ... I am frustrated; I forgot who I am anymore; I don't know if I like this or that; I don't know if I want to do this or that; I never knew it.
I was sad and blue; then I tried to listen to happy music and smile. Now I listen anything I can hear. I was going down and I have tried to climb up. I done it; I came back from down there; it wasn't really down but it was lower and now I'm higher. I did, I tried, I thought, I'm doing, I'm reflecting and I keep on trying.
Maybe it's just a way of hiding the sadness in me... or maybe I’m really an optimistic person. Who knows?!

Sometimes I just want to say a simple “Fuck you”, and other times I would love to sign in the rain “What a wonderful world”. I am really alive inside; I’m not that cold person that you see.

Now I’ve learnt that living in a society is 90% using that society on your behalf without any merci…

“the race is long and in the end is only with yourself” … or you can choose to show that you care … or I’ll go eat something

Monday, November 13, 2006

"We are what we do"

I believe in....
I hope....
I fear....
One day i will....

have you found your answers?

Monday, November 06, 2006


Only one color at a time?

I have tried some of them: dark black and the most pure white (I looked at them as colors); cold blue; I was even red, a very strong one. I thought about green: I think I need green; I feel like that, I want to explore the green.
Now I'm still green and I'm running after it, but I needed more. It's only one color, I'm going further; I need more; I am more. I'm a mixture, colors with solid borders, colors getting into each other to reveal new ones.
This is me stepping "somewhere over the rainbow".

Accept or chose?

You are provided with colors from outside; they are shown in front of yours eyes; they are delivered in your hands with no effort for you.
You may chose today to be purple. You are able tomorrow to decide on pink.
You chose to accept only the green of the trees. You accept to chose your daily color.

Colors are the tonality of a sound, and shapes are its length.

Do it. Do what?

There are advices and quotes full of wisdom. There are people that have experience of living. There are books to carry on the knowledge of the human kind.
To much. There are too many things and options; there is a path followed by the ones that have lived before you; there is the way of dealing with things researched and tryed out by others.

You are like the others? Is there the perfect match between your style and any other style? How much of this wisdom is usefull for you? How free do you feel when you are using this knowledge? They will assure you to avoid any mistake? Do you want a live without black, without mistakes?

Your own choise: % existing knowledge, % your own mind.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Take a moment and think about it


Do it.

love comes back to you (greenpeace)

Monday, October 16, 2006


If you place a thing into the center of your life
That lacks the power to nourish
It will eventually poison everything that you are
And destroy you

A simple a thing as an idea
Or your perspective on yourself of the world
No one can be the source of your contempt,
It lies within, in the center.

Monday, July 31, 2006


It is said that you feel with your heart not with your brain. Biologically speaking you have emotion through your brain. It’s just a way of seeing your thoughts: some are rational and some are feelings; some are realistic and in some you are really involved.
At any given moment you can choose how to deal with your thoughts. As I have said before it’s about attitude. Now I may add the hope. Always you hope for the best thing for you and when this thing vanishes, the rational and the emotional interact. Maybe this is where emotions are borne. Now you really feel that you are alive and you are not living in a dream.
How can there be two totally different things in the same place? How can they exist and interact when one is the opposite of the other one? Rational and emotional makes us alive. It is said that the rational part is the magic of the human being and the emotional is the instinct present in any life form. Maybe this is the uniqueness of a human life: the rational tells you to survive and preserve and the emotional teaches you to cry and to smile, to lie and to enjoy.
But the greatest part is not that. The greatest part is how you manage them to coexist in you. Consciously you cannot control your thoughts (rational or emotional thoughts). You can choose from them; you can choose which are good for you and which you want to follow. Maybe this is the attitude that I have mentioned before. The act of choosing gives you the power to live your life and not just watch you life.
The choosing process it’s not a mathematical one.... or maybe it is. By choosing you select your path according to your principles, your needs and your goals; you tell yourself that you will listen to some particular thoughts and the rest of them are just dust in the wind and forget about them.

Attitude means choosing. Choosing means change. Changing means cheese. WHAT would you do if you weren’t afraid?

Are you able to choose to make things happen? Are you able to wish, to hope?

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Judging people

A while ago there was a discussion in front of me. “Who do we really are? “. Are we born with our personality and the way of seeing and interacting in society? Or does it depend in a huge amount on the society and experiences that we encounter? I don’t have an answer…it’s just a philosophical approach so it’s better to sleep at night than think at it…for my own health :)

Today a thought came on my mind: why are some human beings so little? From my experience, you are perceived by the others on the way you want. It’s all about your attitude. Your attitude towards everything. This is who you really are: you are an attitude in the eyes of the others. You are a small human because this is your attitude, the attitude of a small people. You are a great sportsman because this caught your attention and you show it. You are a sad person because all that you say and look and act is sad, and not because you are really sad deep inside you.

You want to be seen as your doing your job in a great way (no matter what your job is) then all you have to do is show an attitude towards that. By doing this, everybody will say that you are great in your job.

You want that someone truly believe and really feel that you enjoy seeing the sun up, than act like that; don’t complain and don’t say that you don’t like the moon. It’s your own choice what to do every second. You have no reason to wonder why somebody sees you in a different manner. That somebody sees you in the way your attitude appears in front of their eyes.

No one stops you from showing the correct attitude for yourself.

Just open wide your eyes and “dance like no one sees you.”

Monday, June 05, 2006

Why is the sun shining?

A while ago she said to me: try to do things that makes you happy.
And before that I have read somewhere that you can achive happines by doing all sorts of common things, small things....but do them right and get them done.
And I did so...small and big things...things that I hate to do and things that I love to do...and I gave my best to get them done...
So I guess this is the reason that the sun is shining, even though there are dark clouds in the sky or it's moon time.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

It's up to you

Just think at this: "What would you do if you weren't afraid?"