by yourself
I was raised in a society ... in a very interconnected and depended society; I learnt how to depend on the other person around me, I have learnt how to be one in the many ... and they told that I'm weak, that I'm dependent and I have to change to get what I want.
Were they right? Hmmm... yeap. OK, now I'll do it my way. You have told me how and now you are telling me that you were wrong... You are annoying me; everybody is telling me how should I do it, why should I do it, I am doing it completely wrong ... I am frustrated; I forgot who I am anymore; I don't know if I like this or that; I don't know if I want to do this or that; I never knew it.
I was sad and blue; then I tried to listen to happy music and smile. Now I listen anything I can hear. I was going down and I have tried to climb up. I done it; I came back from down there; it wasn't really down but it was lower and now I'm higher. I did, I tried, I thought, I'm doing, I'm reflecting and I keep on trying.
Maybe it's just a way of hiding the sadness in me... or maybe I’m really an optimistic person. Who knows?!
Sometimes I just want to say a simple “Fuck you”, and other times I would love to sign in the rain “What a wonderful world”. I am really alive inside; I’m not that cold person that you see.
Now I’ve learnt that living in a society is 90% using that society on your behalf without any merci…
“the race is long and in the end is only with yourself” … or you can choose to show that you care … or I’ll go eat something